Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some Bizarre Things in the Lab

Dear all,

Recently, all of my lab experiments were like somewhere down the drain...things have not been working as smoothly as I thought it would..

I do understand that there is a lag phase for all scientist for a time being before things pick up their speed...and everything goes on well. However, it has been like 8 months and there is no improvement at all..
something is seriously stopping me from obtaining the results that I want..results that I am getting has never happened before..weird

kind of bored with life in the lab...plasmid extraction -most of the time yields 3 bands maximum,I have been getting like 4 bands..probably contamination...
have to repeat that again,...this is really pissing me off..

On the other hand, there's wireless connection in the room where I stay for a certain period of time..I have been spending some time watching movies on the net..(old movies but enjoyable-better still than to be surrounded with ceilings and walls al over without any entertainment)

Then, have been sleeping late, due to the movie watching and also stressed up with scenarios in the lab...tomorrow there is the meeting again-you know what it is all about..
this Friday, have a presentation and have not got the slides ready yet..no big deal but was just wondering how to present it in such a way that it does not resemble anything like- THE JOURNAL CLUB slide- just wanted it to be hype and different..(being me is soo..impossible as I have to do it..differently, better, attractive and of course the best of all!)

One problem with me is that I take everything seriously and my efforts are too..much for what worths nothing that just a LAME PRESENTATION-others do it just to fulfill their responsibility, I take it one step further to make it understandable and knowledgable for everyone..

sound like bragging but trust me, it is not the case here..I have always been that overexpressed person who has to put all the efforts to impress all...just to get people mocking or not appreciating it later..

what matters is that i am happy...the end of today's story

Friday, July 25, 2008

Great Fraud Presentation

Dear all,

We had a slide presentation on Thursday afternoon on ethics in science especially misconduct in science. So, my group got the topic 'Fraud in Science'..Since the whole thing was a last minute work, (I hate last minute tasks) but it is hard to avoid when some other people are responsible for the ineffciency.

Wednesday afternoon we got together and hunted for informations..regarding the topic.
Then, I took the ugly slides home and decorated them..okay, I was working from 10pm at night til 5am the next morning to beautify the slides..Trust me, I can't stand slides which are below my expectation levels..especially if I were to present the slides to an audience of 30 (even though, all of them are just my friends)..

As expected, from other groups, the performance was really bad..their slides looked like it has been done like 15 minutes ago....(well, the audiences slept through the slides)- that must be really bad isn't it?

So, after the great presentation by me..I was expecting some 'you know what' -comments on how I performed-honestly, I think some praisal is due for the presentation that I gave..

Disappointingly, he (the lecturer) said all 'did a great job'! Can you believe it? sigh, he is 78 years old..maybe, he has lost his ability to tell apart what is best and what is not..must be some chemical toxication over the time spent in the lab...

well, end of the great story...the great thing is that the whole presentation material was a 'cut and paste' from the internet-a fraud slide..the best part-no one realized it...how bad can this be?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekly Meetings in the lab

Hai there,

Had my weekly meeting today with Prof June...that's the most interesting event every week(that's a lie)..knocked on her door twice and did not her the usual -'come in' voice..plus the room was dark (should have known that she is not in yet). But, again-she has never been late on this special day of weekly meetings. It is a day when she can really show off how smart, detailed and accurate she is in finding out our mistakes..she literally scans the reports sent in with a SEM(SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE) ..that lady can detect even a coma missing in the report..and grammatical checks (reminds me of English class).. last week's comment was -'your report is too detailed,please write a summry of your work-no details'..

This week's comment-'your report is too simple-please write it in such way that it depicts that you are a postgraduate student...' well, was thinking that maybe she should write the report her self since it never suits her likings...

Today (basically all meeting days) is like an unofficial holiday as I will usually have no mood to conduct any lab works..(due to the side effect of the meeting) -explains why I am having so much time to write down a post for the blog..

Well, that's it for today....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Return of the boss

Dear world,

Rocket scientist here..the lab was unusually quiet and dull today..well, situation understood...code red- THE BOSS HAS RETURN

Prof June (not her real name....) has returned from a trip to Mexico...from a conference

Two weeks without her was like hell broken loose...

With her office just around the corner of the lab..she continously makes her presence known with frequent visits to the lab...one actually wonders if she ever gets bored coming down to the lab all the time..

The answer is no- 'she gets to watch and spy on students whom are laughing out, gossipping and going online - then she moves in for the kill at our weekly meeting.

The meetings are mighty personal where she spends from half an hour minimum up to one and half hour depending on the severity of the case...

Trust me it is not an enjoyable experience ..and one that is dreaded...

Weekly meetings are full of motivational talk and advice and 'how you should focus on your projects' that one will definitely crave for holiday after it is over...

Now is not a convenient time to put thoughts into words..more to come in future on Prof June

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Gloom day in the lab

Dear World

Rocket scientist here (reporting to planet Earth for the first time)...today seems to be soo..quiet in the lab..when for a dental check up...was waiting at the KTM station when the rain came down heavy..with the wind as well, drenching all at the station..Someone must have forgotten to take their bath....hmm..wonder who was it? No one looked suspicious enough to be the culprit..

anyway, there is this guy..around his 20s..black T-shirt with yellow stripes and worn down jeans..kind of attractive..(love people watching) brushed pass twice...did not spark any chemistry...but,..left Rocket scientist wondering why?..

Got to the lab, people around seem to be totally off mood today...the weather seems to have a hand in this phenomena..it is not often that everyone is infected with 'my experiments are results deficient' virus...

Rocket scientist is feeling multi high today and especially today- got one of the articles published in some local entertainment mag..a short article yet looking at it in the latest edition of the mag stirs happy feelings..

Nothing of science but once in a while it helps to remind Rocket scientist that she's a smart girl...who loves to write and publish the pieces that she wrote...(she never keeps it in a box for it to turn yellow and rot...for her words and efforts are worth to be known and read)

That's all for today...first attempt to communicate with people of Earth..should keep it light and easy..till next time,when rocket scientist gets on duty..will try to report more.